“The three essential elements of getting anything worth having are: hard work, persistence and common sense.”

Alessio Ciappi

Doing business today is not easy. And I think that's right.

Doing business requires sacrifices that not everyone is willing to make, risks that anyone would avoid taking, a high level of curiosity to improve, and that's not enough: you need to surround yourself with crazy people with whom you can walk the same path. Nevertheless, the right attitude is needed; it can't be "I do it only if", but "I do it in spite of".

And you need trust.

Montale wrote "I have so much faith in you that it will last...".

Well, in today's society it is difficult to give and receive trust, whether they are colleagues, customers, banks or suppliers. If we want to build something beautiful and lasting, it is only with trust that we will succeed. Someone once said: “between nature and human beings, bet on nature”.

I disagree: it is necessary to bet on the human being; and it's scary. And fear is induced by having to trust others. But how beautiful is it when we discover that trust is well placed?

Don't make the mistake of thinking that if luck can be providential in a circumstance, it can represent a daily lifeline.

Without sacrifice, without risk, without research and development, without the right attitude and without trust, fate would not have much power.

My biggest luck?

Having met those who are my staff today, those with whom we create those products that silently, far from prying eyes, help our precious planet.

I disagree: it is necessary to bet on the human being; and it's scary. And fear is induced by having to trust others. But how beautiful is it when we discover that trust is well placed?
